Our SOCIAL ELEVEN for water

We found a way to combine our favourite sport football with our mission of clean drinking water worldwide: Our SOCIAL ELEVEN!

Our SOCIAL ELEVEN of the week

Support us with your donation:


Every matchday Viva con Agua nominates the SOCIAL ELEVEN of the week. This team is composed of eleven different professional and amateur football players who come together for the good cause of water

For the footballers it‘s business as usual: play the match and give it their all.

Afterwards everybody checks how many kilometers they ran and donate an amount of their choice per kilometer to Viva con Agua. Every player additionally tries to find some sponsors, who can be friends, followers or family, who also support through their donation.

Feel free to join the movement for water: get active, spread the word and support us with your donation.


With this campaign we are financing not just our waterprojects but also our Football4WASH program in Uganda, where kids and young adults learn through football-workshops how important water, sanitation and hygiene is. All this promotes the health of these children and works as an effective corona prevention tool. On top of this, the young adults act as multipliers within their communities.

We would love to have your support in our SOCIAL ELEVEN family, which already includes footballers like Max Kruse, Lina Magull, Simon Zoller, Lasse Sobiech, Enrico Valentini, Gonzalo Castro, Kathy Hendrich, and many more. Thank you!

Let’s move for water!

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